ICT Day 11


  • The misuse of some software and computer applications;
  • The Available devices and systems that can be used to reduce the use of programs and applications referred to in the first item;
  • How to employ technology to serve and enhance the positive trends in the society and the role of awareness in this field away from unethical practices;
  • The role of educational institutions in stimulating the positive use of technology and shedding the light on the risks and negative effects of misusing new technology;
  • identify responsibilities and delegations in this field (cybercrimes, information security, experts in the field, the endorsement of rules and regulations and updating them regularly);
  • Encourage higher education institutions to include courses in the relevant specializations and colleges;
  • Competencies that must be available in case of adopting any of the projects or electronic laws.

The following main topics are proposed for the legislative session, law and the awareness dimension:

  • Ethics and cybercrime;
  • The role of combating cybercrime in promoting investment;
  • Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and the Arabic Agreement on Information Technology;
  • Personal freedom and Cybercrime (it is important to have a balance between the personal freedom and security requirements such as the Arabic Convention on Information Technology which was signed by Palestine and which violates this right in several articles);
  • Occupation and cybercrime (the fact that the occupation could be a major obstacle in pursuing electronic crimes and solving them);
  • Enhancing the skills of the employees, working in combating cybercrime, whether the police or the public prosecution or the judges through specialized training;
  • A vision on the possibility of finding mechanisms for the development of electronic systems as quickly as possible in order to cope with the rapid development of technology;
  • Focusing on electronic mechanisms and systems (supported by legal tools) protects children and women in the world of cybercrime.

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